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The Boy Who Cried Wolf dan 20 Soal Narrative Text - The Boy Who Cried Wolf dan 20 Soal Narrative Text. Cerita "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" adalah cerita fabel klasik yang mengajarkan tentang pentingnya kejujuran dan akibat dari berbohong. Cerita ini bercerita tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang menjaga domba di desa. Dia merasa bosan dan ingin membuat suasana lebih seru, sehingga dia berteriak bahwa dia melihat serigala mengejar domba-domba, padahal sebenarnya tidak ada serigala. Penduduk desa datang berlari untuk membantu, tetapi mereka menemukan bahwa anak laki-laki hanya berbohong untuk bersenang-senang.

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There once was a boy who grew bored while watching over the village sheep. He wanted to make things more exciting. So, he yelled out that he saw a wolf chasing the sheep. All the villagers came running to drive the wolf away.

However, they saw no wolf. The boy was amused, but the villagers were not. They told him not to do it again. Shortly after, he repeated this antic. The villagers came running again, only to find that he was lying. Later that day, the boy really sees a wolf sneaking amongst the flock. He jumped up and called out for help. But no one came this time because they thought he was still joking around.

At sunset, the villagers looked for the boy. He had not returned with their sheep. They found him crying. He told them that there really was a wolf, and the entire flock was gone. An old man came to comfort him and told him that nobody would believe a liar even when they are being honest.

1. Why did the boy yell out that he saw a wolf?
A) He wanted to scare the villagers.
B) He wanted to make things more exciting.
C) He saw a real wolf.
D) He wanted attention.

2. How did the villagers react the first time the boy cried wolf?
A) They were amused.
B) They came running to help.
C) They didn't believe him.
D) They scolded him.

3. Why did the villagers not come the second time the boy yelled about a wolf?
A) They were busy.
B) They thought he was joking again.
C) They didn't hear him.
D) They were afraid.

4. What did the boy see later that day among the flock?
A) A lion
B) A wolf
C) A bear
D) A fox

5. Why did the villagers find the boy crying at sunset?
A) He was hurt.
B) He was tired.
C) The sheep were missing.
D) He lost his way.

6. What did the old man tell the boy?
A) Nobody would believe him.
B) He should cry louder next time.
C) Wolves are dangerous.
D) The villagers are kind.

7. Why did the boy yell about a wolf chasing the sheep?
A) He wanted to help the sheep.
B) He was bored and wanted excitement. 
C) He saw a real wolf and panicked.
D) He wanted to get the villagers in trouble.

8. What happened the first time the villagers came running?
A) They found a wolf and chased it away.
B) They were happy the boy was alert.
C) They were angry because there was no wolf. 
D) They found the sheep scattered but safe.

9. What did the old man tell the boy at the end?
A) He should have fought the wolf himself.
B) He should never watch sheep again.
C) Liars don't deserve help, even when truthful. 
D) He should be more careful next time.

10. What is the main lesson of the story?
A) It's important to be brave when facing danger.
B) Wolves are a threat to village sheep.
C) Always tell the truth, even if it's embarrassing. 
D) Don't play games with people's safety.

Kunci Jawaban

  1. B) He wanted to make things more exciting.
  2. C) They didn't believe him.
  3. B) They thought he was joking again.
  4. B) A wolf
  5. C) The sheep were missing.
  6. A) Nobody would believe him.
  7. B) He was bored and wanted excitement. 
  8. C) They were angry because there was no wolf. 
  9. C) Liars don't deserve help, even when truthful. 
  10. C) Always tell the truth, even if it's embarrassing. 
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the story!

1. There once was a boy who grew bored while ___________ over the village sheep.
2. He yelled out that he saw a wolf chasing the sheep to make things more ___________.
3. All the villagers came running to drive the wolf away, but they saw ___________ wolf.
4. The villagers were not amused and told him ___________ to do it again.
5. Shortly after, he repeated this ___________.
6. The villagers came running again, only to find out that he was ___________.
7. Later that day, the boy really sees a wolf sneaking ___________ the flock.
8. He called out for help, but no one came this time because they thought he was still ___________ around.
9. At sunset, the villagers looked for the boy. He had not returned with their ___________.
10. The old man came to comfort him and told him that nobody would believe a ___________ even when they are being honest.

Kunci Jawaban

  1. watching
  2. exciting
  3. no
  4. not
  5. antic
  6. lying
  7. amongst
  8. joking
  9. sheep
  10. liar


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