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Shin Tae-yong dan 20 Soal Descriptive Text - Shin Tae-yong dan 20 Soal Descriptive Text. Menggambarkan atau menceritakan tentang Shin Tae-yong, pelatih tim nasional sepak bola Indonesia, dan perannya yang penting dalam memimpin tim. Shin Tae-yong adalah sosok pelatih yang penuh semangat dan memiliki tekad kuat untuk melihat tim sepak bola Indonesia meraih kemenangan. Dia seperti kapten sepak bola untuk orang dewasa, yang selalu siap mengatur strategi dan taktik untuk membawa timnya meraih kemenangan..

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
Shin Tae-yong: The Coach with a Plan!

Imagine a coach with a fire in his belly, someone who wants to see the Indonesian soccer team win as much as you want to win your next game! That's Shin Tae-yong! He's the leader of the team, kind of like a soccer captain, but for grown-ups.

He's got sharp eyes that seem to see everything on the field, just like a superhero! He watches how other teams play, figuring out their moves, and then makes his own secret plan to win. He's like a super smart fox, outsmarting the other teams with his clever tactics.

On the sideline, he might look serious, because being a coach is a big job. But some times, you might catch him smile when the team does something awesome, just like you smile when you score a goal! He claps and cheers for the players, just like a fan, because he really believes in them.

He teaches the players to work together as a team, just like how you pass the ball to your friends in a game. Everyone has a job to do, and when they all work together, amazing things can happen! Shin Tae-yong is like a super coach, helping the Indonesian soccer team get stronger and stronger. He may be serious sometimes, but deep down, he just wants the team to win and make everyone proud!

1. Who is Shin Tae-yong in relation to the Indonesian soccer team?
A) The goalkeeper
B) The coach
C) The captain
D) The striker

2. How does the passage describe Shin Tae-yong's role in the team?
A) Like a superhero
B) Like a referee
C) Like a doctor
D) Like a player

3. What does Shin Tae-yong do to prepare for games?
A) He cheers from the sidelines
B) He makes secret plans
C) He takes penalties
D) He plays as a striker

4. How does Shin Tae-yong feel when the team does something awesome?
A) Angry
B) Sad
C) Happy
D) Confused

5. What does Shin Tae-yong teach the players to do?
A) Play individually
B) Work together as a team
C) Argue with each other
D) Ignore each other

6. What comparison is made between Shin Tae-yong and a fox?
A) He has sharp eyes
B) He is a fast runner
C) He lives in the forest
D) He has a bushy tail

7. Why might Shin Tae-yong look serious on the sideline?
A) Because he is bored
B) Because he is angry
C) Because coaching is a big job
D) Because he wants to play

8. What emotion does Shin Tae-yong show when the team performs well?
A) Sadness
B) Excitement
C) Fear
D) Frustration

9. What does Shin Tae-yong believe in?
A) Winning at all costs
B) The strength of the team
C) Playing alone
D) Scoring goals individually

10. According to the passage, what does Shin Tae-yong want for the Indonesian soccer team?
A) To lose games
B) To make everyone bored
C) To win and make everyone proud
D) To play alone without teamwork

Kunci Jawaban

  1. B) The coach
  2. A) Like a superhero
  3. B) He makes secret plans
  4. C) Happy
  5. B) Work together as a team
  6. A) He has sharp eyes
  7. C) Because coaching is a big job
  8. B) Excitement
  9. B) The strength of the team
  10. C) To win and make everyone proud 
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the story!
1. Shin Tae-yong is the leader of the Indonesian soccer team, kind of like a soccer _______ , but for grown-ups.
2. He watches how other teams play, figuring out their moves, and then makes his own secret plan to _______.
3. On the sideline, he might look _______, because being a coach is a big job.
4. He teaches the players to work together as a team, just like how you pass the ball to your _______ in a game.
5. He claps and cheers for the players, just like a _______, because he really believes in them.
6. Everyone has a _______ to do, and when they all work together, amazing things can happen!
7. Shin Tae-yong is like a super coach, helping the Indonesian soccer team get _______ and stronger.
8. He may be serious sometimes, but deep down, he just wants the team to _______ and make everyone proud!
9. Imagine a coach with a fire in his belly, someone who wants to see the Indonesian soccer team win as much as you want to win your _______ game!
10. He's got sharp eyes that seem to see everything on the field, just like a _______!.

Kunci Jawaban

  1. Captain
  2. Win
  3. Serious
  4. Friends
  5. Fan
  6. Job
  7. Stronger
  8. Win
  9. Next
  10. Superhero


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