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Luna the Lost Firefly dan 20 Soal Narrative Text - Luna the Lost Firefly dan 20 Soal Narrative Text. Cerita "Luna the Lost Firefly" tentang seekor kunang-kunang bernama Luna yang berbeda dari kunang-kunang lainnya. Keluarga kunang-kunang biasanya berkedip bersama di malam hari, menerangi padang rumput seperti langit bintang. Namun, cahaya Luna berkedip-kedip dan membuatnya tampak redup dibandingkan dengan saudara-saudaranya. Luna merasa malu dan sering bersembunyi ketika saudara-saudaranya bermain.

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
Luna the Lost Firefly

Luna the Lost Firefly Luna the firefly wasn't like the others. Firefly families blinked together in the night, lighting up the meadow like a starry sky. But Luna's light flickered, making her glow dim compared to her siblings. She felt embarrassed and would often hide while the others played.

One evening, a strong wind swept through the meadow, scattering the fireflies. Luna was separated from her family, lost and scared in the darkness. Tears welled up in her tiny eyes, and her dim light sputtered even fainter.

Suddenly, a gentle voice startled her. "Hello? Are you lost, little one?" It was a wise old cricket named Bartholomew. Luna explained her situation, her voice trembling slightly.

Bartholomew chuckled. "Don't worry, little Luna. Even the dimmest light can be helpful." He pointed to a cluster of wildflowers with drooping petals. "These flowers need moonlight to bloom again, but it's a cloudy night. Perhaps your light can help them?"

Luna, surprised, blinked her little light towards the flowers. Slowly, a faint glow appeared on their petals, encouraging them to open wider. She continued blinking, and soon, a circle of flowers bloomed brightly under her soft light.

As Luna continued helping the flowers, a familiar blinking pattern caught her eye. It was her family, searching for her! They were overjoyed to see her, and Luna, filled with newfound confidence, flew alongside them, her little light shining proudly.

That night, Luna learned that even the smallest light can make a difference. She may not have been the brightest firefly, but her unique light helped others in a way her family couldn't. From then on, Luna blinked her light with joy, knowing that even a dim glow could be beautiful and helpful.

1. 1. Why did Luna feel embarrassed compared to her siblings?
A) Her light was too bright
B) Her light flickered and was dim
C) She couldn't fly as fast
D) She didn't like to play with others

2. What event caused Luna to become lost?
A) A heavy rainstorm
B) A strong wind
C) A bright moonlight
D) A thunderstorm

3. Who helped Luna when she was lost?
A) A wise old cricket named Bartholomew
B) Her siblings
C) A bright firefly
D) A friendly bird

4. What did Bartholomew suggest Luna's light could help with?
A) Lighting up the entire meadow
B) Scaring away predators
C) Making the flowers bloom
D) Finding her family

5. How did Luna's light help the flowers?
A) It scared away bees
B) It made them close their petals
C) It encouraged them to open and bloom
D) It attracted more fireflies

6. What did Luna learn about her light that night?
A) It was too bright for the flowers
B) It couldn't help anyone
C) Even the smallest light can make a difference
D) She should hide her light

7. How did Luna feel after helping the flowers?
A) Scared
B) Annoyed
C) Proud and joyful
D) Embarrassed

8. What did Luna do after reuniting with her family?
A) She flew away
B) She hid from them
C) She played with her siblings
D) She ignored them

9. Why did Luna start blinking her light with joy?
A) To attract more fireflies
B) To scare away predators
C) Because she was embarrassed
D) Because she knew her light could be helpful

10. What lesson did Luna learn from her adventure?
A) To hide from others
B) To avoid wildflowers
C) To be proud of her unique light
D) To fly faster than her siblings

Kunci Jawaban

  1. B) Her light flickered and was dim
  2. B) A strong wind
  3. A) A wise old cricket named Bartholomew
  4. C) Making the flowers bloom
  5. C) It encouraged them to open and bloom
  6. C) Even the smallest light can make a difference
  7. C) Proud and joyful
  8. C) She played with her siblings
  9. D) Because she knew her light could be helpful
  10. C) To be proud of her unique light 

B. Read the text first, complete the short answers!
1. How was Luna different from the other fireflies?
2. Who helped Luna when she was lost?
3. Why did Luna feel embarrassed?
4. How did Bartholomew comfort Luna?
5. How did Luna help the flowers?
6. Who did Luna see searching for her while she was helping the flowers?
7. How did Luna feel after reuniting with her family?
8. What lesson did Luna learn from her adventure?
9. Why did Luna start blinking her light with joy after helping the flowers?
10. How did Luna's unique light help others??

Kunci Jawaban

  1. Luna's light flickered and was dim compared to her siblings.
  2. A wise old cricket named Bartholomew.
  3. Because her light wasn't as bright as her siblings.
  4. By telling her even a dim light can be helpful.
  5. Luna blinked her little light towards the flowers, encouraging them to open wider and bloom brightly.
  6. Luna saw her family searching for her with a familiar blinking pattern.
  7. Luna felt filled with newfound confidence and flew proudly alongside her family.
  8. Luna learned that even the smallest light can make a difference.
  9. Luna started blinking her light with joy because she realized that even her dim glow could be beautiful and helpful.
  10. Luna's unique light helped the flowers bloom when they needed moonlight on a cloudy night.


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