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Elephant and Friends dan 20 Soal Narrative Text - Elephant and Friends dan 20 Soal Narrative Text. Cerita "Elephant and Friends" mengisahkan tentang seekor gajah yang kesepian mencari teman di hutan. Gajah tersebut pertama kali mendekati monyet untuk menjadi temannya, namun monyet menolak karena gajah tidak bisa bergelantungan di pohon-pohon seperti mereka. Kemudian gajah mendekati kelinci, namun kelinci juga menolak karena gajah terlalu besar untuk masuk ke dalam liang mereka. Katak menolak karena gajah tidak bisa melompat seperti mereka. Setiap hewan lain di hutan juga menolak gajah.

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
Elephant and Friends

A lonely elephant was looking for friends in the forest. The monkey declined to be the elephant’s friend because the elephant could not swing in the trees. The rabbit turned the elephant because it was too big to fit in the burrow.

The frog refused to be the elephant’s friend because it could not jump. Every other animal said no to the poor elephant. The next day, all the animals in the forest were running away in fear. The elephant stopped a bear who said that the tiger was attacking them all.

The elephant nicely asked the tiger to stop, but the tiger told the elephant to stay out of the way. The elephant proceeded to kick the tiger and scare it away. The other animals then realised that the elephant was the perfect size to be their friend.

1. Why did the monkey decline to be the elephant's friend?
A) Because the elephant was too big
B) Because the elephant could not swing in the trees
C) Because the monkey was afraid of the elephant
D) Because the monkey already had too many friends

2. Why did the rabbit refuse to be the elephant's friend?
A) Because the rabbit was too small
B) Because the elephant could not fit in the burrow
C) Because the rabbit did not like elephants
D) Because the rabbit was too busy

3. Why did the frog refuse to be the elephant's friend?
A) Because the frog did not like the elephant
B) Because the elephant could not jump
C) Because the frog was afraid of the elephant
D) Because the frog had too many friends already

4. Why did the other animals initially say no to the elephant?
A) Because they were afraid of the elephant
B) Because they did not like the elephant's size
C) Because they were busy
D) Because they thought the elephant could not help them

5. Why did the animals in the forest run away in fear the next day?
A) Because the elephant was chasing them
B) Because there was a storm
C) Because the tiger was attacking them
D) Because they were playing a game

6. How did the elephant resolve the problem with the tiger?
A) By asking the tiger nicely to stop
B) By running away from the tiger
C) By hiding from the tiger
D) By scaring the tiger away

7. Why couldn't the monkey be friends with the elephant?
A) The elephant was too loud.
B) The elephant couldn't swing in the trees. 
C) The elephant ate bananas.
D) The elephant was too slow.

8. Why couldn't the rabbit be friends with the elephant?
A) The elephant didn't like carrots.
B) The elephant was too big to fit in the burrow. 
C) The elephant was too slow.
D) The elephant couldn't swim.

9. Why couldn't the frog be friends with the elephant?
A) The elephant was too noisy.
B) The elephant couldn't jump. 
C) The elephant couldn't swim.
D) The elephant shared its food.

10. Why did the animals realize the elephant was a good friend?
A) The elephant scared away the danger. 
B) The elephant could swim very well.
C) The elephant shared its food.
D) The elephant was the perfect size.

Kunci Jawaban

  1. B) Because the elephant could not swing in the trees
  2. B) Because the elephant could not fit in the burrow
  3. B) Because the elephant could not jump
  4. B) Because they did not like the elephant's size
  5. C) Because the tiger was attacking them
  6. D) By scaring the tiger away
  7. B) The elephant couldn't swing in the trees. 
  8. B) The elephant was too big to fit in the burrow. 
  9. B) The elephant couldn't jump. 
  10. A) The elephant scared away the danger

B. Read the text first, choose the following statements True or False!
1. The monkey declined to be the elephant’s friend because the elephant could not swing in the trees.
2. The rabbit turned the elephant away because it was too big to fit in the burrow.
3. The frog refused to be the elephant’s friend because it could not jump.
4. All the animals in the forest initially agreed to be the elephant's friend.
5. The next day, all the animals in the forest were running away in joy.
6. The elephant stopped a bear who said that the tiger was attacking them all.
7. The tiger agreed to stop attacking when the elephant asked nicely.
8. The elephant kicked the tiger to scare it away.
9. The other animals realized that the elephant was too big to be their friend.
10. The passage shows that the elephant was able to make friends with all the animals in the end.


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