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A Tranquil Morning at the Beach dan 20 Soal Descriptive Text - A Tranquil Morning at the Beach dan 20 Soal Descriptive Text. Menggambarkan atau menceritakan tentang suasana pagi yang tenang di pantai. Matahari pagi menyebarkan sinarnya yang lembut di atas pasir putih yang lembut di pantai. Udara segar dan asin, dipenuhi aroma rumput laut dan tawa jauh di kejauhan. Burung camar melayang dengan mudah di udara, panggilan mereka menyatu dengan suara gemericik ombak yang berirama di tepi pantai.

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
A Tranquil Morning at the Beach

The morning sun casts a gentle glow over the soft, white sand of the beach. The air is crisp and salty, tinged with the scent of seaweed and distant laughter. Seagulls glide effortlessly overhead, their calls blending with the rhythmic lapping of waves against the shore.

A lone figure walks along the water's edge, leaving behind footprints that quickly dissolve into the wet sand. The ocean stretches endlessly before them, its surface shimmering like a sheet of liquid glass under the morning light. Occasionally, a small wave breaks, sending tiny ripples across the tranquil expanse.

Farther down the beach, a cluster of palm trees sway gently in the breeze, their fronds whispering secrets to the wind. A beach chair sits abandoned beneath one of them, its bright colors a stark contrast to the natural hues of the surroundings.

As the day progresses, the beach will come alive with families building sandcastles, friends playing beach volleyball, and couples strolling hand in hand. But for now, in the quiet of the early morning, the beach belongs to the sun, the sea, and the solitary figure who walks along its edge, lost in contemplation.

1. What casts a gentle glow over the soft, white sand of the beach?
A) Moonlight
B) Streetlights
C) Sunlight
D) Lanterns

2. What is the air at the beach described as?
A) Warm and humid
B) Crisp and salty
C) Sweet and flowery
D) Dusty and dry

3. What sound do seagulls make as they fly overhead?
A) Singing
B) Crying
C) Chirping
D) Screaming

4. What leaves footprints that quickly dissolve into the wet sand?
A) Beach balls
B) Dolphins
C) A lone figure
D) Beach umbrellas

5. What is described as shimmering like a sheet of liquid glass under the morning light?
A) Mountains
B) Ocean surface
C) Beach towels
D) Sand dunes

6. What sways gently in the breeze farther down the beach?
A) Street lamps
B) Palm trees
C) Beach umbrellas
D) Volleyball nets

7. What is described as a stark contrast to the natural hues of the surroundings?
A) Beach chair
B) Seagulls
C) Sandcastles
D) Footprints

8. What activities are mentioned as the day progresses on the beach?
A) Skiing and snowboarding
B) Building snowmen
C) Playing beach volleyball
D) Ice fishing

9. Who does the beach belong to in the quiet of the early morning?
A) Families
B) Friends
C) The sun, the sea, and a solitary figure
D) Seagulls

10. What is the solitary figure doing as they walk along the beach in the early morning?
A) Building sandcastles
B) Playing volleyball
C) Swimming
D) Lost in contemplation

Kunci Jawaban

  1. C) Sunlight
  2. B) Crisp and salty
  3. B) Crying
  4. C) A lone figure
  5. B) Ocean surface
  6. B) Palm trees
  7. A) Beach chair
  8. C) Playing beach volleyball
  9. C) The sun, the sea, and a solitary figure
  10. D) Lost in contemplation 
B. Read the text first, complete the short answers!

1. What is the time of day described in the passage?
2. How is the sand on the beach described?
3. What sound is most prominent in the passage?
4. What can be inferred about the beach from the passage?
5. What color is the beach chair mentioned in the passage?
6. What is the feeling or mood conveyed in the passage?
7. What literary device is used in the phrase "the ocean stretches endlessly"?
8. What figurative language is used in the phrase "seagulls glide effortlessly"?
9. What is the main focus of the passage?
10. What might the lone figure be thinking about as they walk along the beach?

Kunci Jawaban

  1. Morning
  2. Soft and white
  3. Lapping waves
  4. It is currently quiet, but will become busier later. 
  5. Bright
  6. Peace and tranquility
  7. Metaphor
  8. Simile
  9. The beauty and serenity of the beach at sunrise.
  10. The passage doesn't tell us for sure.


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