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A Memorable Adventure dan 20 Soal Recount Text - A Memorable Adventure dan 20 Soal Recount Text. Cerita "A Memorable Adventure" menceritakan tentang pengalaman petualangan keluarga yang mengesankan ke pegunungan selama musim panas. Mereka mengeksplorasi jalur-jalur yang sulit di pegunungan, menikmati udara segar pegunungan, dan keindahan alam yang memukau. Salah satu momen tak terlupakan adalah saat mereka mencapai puncak gunung saat matahari terbit. Langit yang berwarna orange dan merah muda menghiasi puncak gunung, menciptakan pemandangan yang luar biasa.

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
A Memorable Adventure

Last summer, my family and I embarked on a thrilling adventure to the mountains. It was a journey filled with excitement and breathtaking views. As we hiked up the rugged trails, the crisp mountain air filled our lungs, and the beauty of nature surrounded us.

One of the most unforgettable moments was reaching the summit at sunrise. The sky painted in hues of orange and pink stretched out before us, casting a golden glow over the majestic peaks. It felt like we were on top of the world, witnessing a scene straight out of a painting.

During our descent, we encountered a serene lake nestled among the trees. The water was crystal clear, reflecting the vibrant colors of the surrounding forest. We paused there, mesmerized by the tranquility and beauty of our surroundings.

The adventure taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, appreciating nature's wonders, and the importance of spending quality time with loved ones. It was a journey that etched memories into my heart forever, reminding me of the joy and fulfillment that comes from exploring new horizons.

1. Where did the family go for their adventure last summer?
A) Beach
B) Mountains
C) Desert
D) Forest

2. What filled their lungs as they hiked up the trails?
A) Crisp mountain air
B) Salty sea breeze
C) Fresh river water
D) Dusty desert wind

3. What colored the sky as they reached the summit?
A) Blue and green
B) Orange and pink
C) Red and purple
D) Yellow and brown

4. What did they encounter during their descent?
A) A busy marketplace
B) A bustling city
C) A serene lake
D) A crowded beach

5. What did the lake reflect?
A) Concrete buildings
B) Vibrant forest colors
C) Desert sand dunes
D) Snow-capped mountains

6. What lessons did the adventure teach them?
A) How to cook gourmet meals
B) The importance of perseverance and nature
C) How to build a campfire
D) The best places to shop

7. What did reaching the summit feel like to them?
A) Being lost
B) Being on top of the world
C) Being hungry
D) Being tired

8. What was one of the unforgettable moments during their adventure?
A) Shopping
B) Swimming
C) Reaching the summit at sunrise
D) Watching TV

9. What did they encounter during their hike?
A) Cars
B) Buses
C) Trails
D) Boats

10. What did they learn from their adventure?
A) How to shop
B) How to cook
C) The importance of perseverance and nature
D) How to swim

Kunci Jawaban

  1. B) Mountains
  2. A) Crisp mountain air
  3. B) Orange and pink
  4. C) A serene lake
  5. B) Vibrant forest colors
  6. B) The importance of perseverance and nature
  7. B) Being on top of the world
  8. C) Reaching the summit at sunrise
  9. C) Trails
  10. C) The importance of perseverance and nature

B. Read the text first, choose the following statements True or False!
1. The mountain air they breathed during their hike was crisp and refreshing.
2. Last summer, the family went on an adventure to the beach.
3. They reached the summit at sunset and saw the sky in shades of orange and pink.
4. During their descent, they found a serene lake surrounded by trees.
5. The lake's water was muddy and opaque, reflecting the sky above.
6. The family was indifferent to the beauty of their surroundings during the hike.
7. One of the lessons learned from the adventure was the importance of perseverance.
8. The adventure primarily focused on shopping rather than appreciating nature.
9. Reaching the summit at sunrise was one of the most unforgettable moments for the family.
10. The adventure left lasting memories and emphasized the joy of exploring new places.


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