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A Day at the Beach dan 20 Soal Recount Text - A Day at the Beach dan 20 Soal Recount Text. Cerita "A Day at the Beach" menceritakan pengalaman berkesan menghabiskan hari yang cerah di pantai bersama keluarga. Teks ini menggambarkan kedatangan di pantai yang disambut ombak yang menghantam, menyiapkan tempat di pasir yang lembut, menikmati angin laut yang segar, serta berbagai aktivitas seperti bermain permainan pantai dan membangun istana pasir bersama.

A. Read the following text to answer question below!
A Day at the Beach

Last summer, my family and I decided to spend a day at the beach. It was a perfect sunny day with clear blue skies. As we arrived, the sound of crashing waves greeted us, filling the air with a sense of tranquility and excitement.

We set up our spot on the soft, warm sand and immediately ran towards the water. The cool ocean breeze felt refreshing against our skin as we waded into the crystal-clear water. We splashed around, played beach games, and built sandcastles together.

For lunch, we enjoyed a picnic under the shade of a large umbrella. The sandwiches tasted even better with the ocean view in front of us. After eating, we relaxed on beach towels, soaking in the sun and watching seagulls soar overhead.

As the day progressed, we couldn't resist taking a walk along the shoreline, collecting seashells and watching the waves roll in. The sunset painted the sky with shades of orange and pink, casting a magical glow over the water.

Leaving the beach, we felt rejuvenated and grateful for such a wonderful day together. It was a memorable experience filled with laughter, joy, and the beauty of nature that we will cherish forever.

1. Where did the family spend their day?
A) Park
B) Mountains
C) Beach
D) Lake

2. What was the weather like during their beach day?
A) Rainy
B) Cloudy
C) Sunny
D) Snowy

3. How did the family feel upon hearing the waves?
A) Excited
B) Bored
C) Annoyed
D) Scared

4. What did the family do after setting up their spot on the sand?
A) Played beach games
B) Went for a hike
C) Climbed rocks
D) Played in the forest

5. What did the family enjoy for lunch?
A) Pizza
B) Burgers
C) Sandwiches
D) Hot dogs

6. Where did the family relax after lunch?
A) In a cave
B) In a boat
C) On beach towels
D) On a mountain peak

7. What did the family do during their walk along the shoreline?
A) Collected seashells
B) Climbed trees
C) Skipped rocks
D) Played volleyball

8. How did the sunset affect the sky?
A) It turned green
B) It turned purple
C) It turned orange and pink
D) It turned black

9. How did the family feel as they left the beach?
A) Exhausted
B) Angry
C) Rejuvenated
D) Confused

10. What did the family cherish from their day at the beach?
A) The rain
B) The sand
C) The memories
D) The clouds

Kunci Jawaban

  1. C) Beach
  2. C) Sunny
  3. A) Excited
  4. A) Played beach games
  5. C) Sandwiches
  6. C) On beach towels
  7. A) Collected seashells
  8. C) It turned orange and pink
  9. C) Rejuvenated
  10. C) The memories

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the text!
1. Last summer, my family and I decided to spend a day at the ___________.
2. It was a perfect ___________ day with clear blue skies.
3. As we arrived, the sound of crashing waves greeted us, filling the air with a sense of ___________ and excitement.
4. We set up our spot on the soft, warm ___________ and immediately ran towards the water.
5. The cool ocean breeze felt refreshing against our skin as we waded into the crystal-clear ___________.
6. We splashed around, played beach games, and built ___________ together.
7. For lunch, we enjoyed a picnic under the shade of a large ___________.
8. After eating, we relaxed on beach ___________, soaking in the sun.
9. As the day progressed, we took a walk along the shoreline, collecting ___________.
10. The sunset painted the sky with shades of ___________ and pink.

Kunci Jawaban

  1. beach
  2. sunny
  3. tranquility
  4. sand
  5. water
  6. sandcastles
  7. umbrella
  8. towels
  9. seashells
  10. orange


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