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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Isian Singkat Anak SD dan Jawabannya - 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Reading Anak SD Isian Singkat dan Jawabannya. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbai contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang Reading Comprehension yang cocok untuk anak-anak SD. Contoh soal terdiri dari 50 isian singkat atau Short Answers lengkap dengan jawabannya. Dengan metode latihan yang teratur dan dukungan yang baik dari orang dewasa, anak-anak SD dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris mereka secara bertahap dan dengan lebih percaya diri. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan lihat contoh soal di bawah ini dan kunci jawabannya.

Read the following text to answer question number 1 to 4.

On Sunday morning ,Tom and his family went camping. They camped near the lake .Their tent was shaped like an igloo. It was made of a thin cloth. Tom helped clean up. They ate a tasty meal of barbecued chicken and corn. When it got dark they made a fire. They told stories and sang songs.

1. When did Tom and his family go camping?
2. Where did they camp?
3. What did they eat?
4. What was the tent shaped like?

Kunci Jawaban

1. On Sunday morning
2. They camped near the lake
3. They ate a tasty meal of barbecued chicken and corn
4. Their tent was shaped like an igloo

Read the following text to answer question number 5 to 8.

My name is Inaya . I’ m ten years old. My hobbies are painting, swimming and dancing ballet. I like to paint flowers in my free time . Also I like to sing songs in my music class and in my bedroom. But my favorite hobby is dancing ballet. I go to ballet classes after my school because I want to be ballerina.

5. How old is Inaya?
6. What are Inaya's hobbies?
7. What does Inaya like to paint?
8. What does Inaya want to be?

Kunci Jawaban

5. Inaya is ten years old.
6. Inaya's hobbies are painting, swimming, and dancing ballet.
7. Inaya likes to paint flowers in her free time.
8. Inaya wants to be a ballerina.

Read the following text to answer question number 9 to 12.
Ben and Jen

Ben and Jen are happy because it is snowing outside. Ben likes to go sledding . He is hoping to try his new sled . Jen likes to go ice skating on the pond. He saved his money and bought a new pair of ice skates. They both love to build a snowman in the backyard.

9. Why are Ben and Jen happy?
10. What does Ben want to do with his new sled?
11. What did Jen buy with her savings?
12. What do Ben and Jen enjoy doing together in the backyard??

Kunci Jawaban

9. Because it is snowing outside.
10. He wants to try it out in the snow (go sledding).
11. A new pair of ice skates.
12. They both love to build a snowman.

Read the following text to answer question number 13 to 16.
My Aunt

My aunt ‘Lisa ’ is a doctor . She ’ s 30 years old. She is very kind and pretty . She has brown hair and blue eyes. She likes spending time with me. We usually go to the park together . We sometimes ride our bikes in the park and have popcorn. She always bakes delicious cupcakes for me. I love her very much.

13. How old is aunt Lisa?
14. What does aunt Lisa look like?
15. Where do they usually go?
16. What does she always bake?

Kunci Jawaban

13. Aunt Lisa is 30 years old.
14. Aunt Lisa has brown hair and blue eyes. She is described as kind and pretty.
15. They usually go to the park together.
16. She always bakes delicious cupcakes for me.

Read the following text to answer question number 17 to 20.

Mark is at the park . His dog Max, is with him. Mark flies his kite and plays with Max. They run and jump in the sun. Then Mark goes to the pond to see the ducks. He thinks they are so cute and funny.

17. Where is Mark and his dog?
18. What is Mark’s dog name?
19. What do Mark and his dog do in the park?
20. Why does Mark go to the pond?

Kunci Jawaban

17. Mark and his dog are at the park.
18. Mark's dog's name is Max.
19. Mark flies his kite and plays with Max. They run and jump in the sun.
20. Mark goes to the pond to see the ducks.

Read the following text to answer question number 21 to 24.

I have a white cat named Sally. She has blue eyes and pointy ears. She is five years old. She is a speedy cat. Sally likes to nap on her mat. She licks herself to clean her fur. She drinks milk and eats cat food. I sometimes give her a fish.

21. What is the name of the cat?
22. Where does she likes to nap?
23. Why does she lick herself?
24. What does she eat?

Kunci Jawaban

21. The cat's name is Sally.
22. Sally likes to nap on her mat.
23. Cats lick themselves to clean their fur.
24. Sally eats milk, cat food, and sometimes fish.

Read the following text to answer question number 25 to 28.

Victor lives on a farm with his family. They live in a little house. They ‘ ve got lots of animals like rabbits, chickens, ducks, lambs and cows. He helps his parents with the work on the farm. He feeds ducks and chickens. He also helps his dad milks the cows. His favorite thing about the farm is riding horses.

25. Where does Victor live?
26. What kind of animals have they got?
27. How does Victor help his parents?
28. What is Victor’s favorite thing about the farm?

Kunci Jawaban

25. Victor lives on a farm with his family.
26. They have lots of animals including rabbits, chickens, ducks, lambs, and cows.
27. Victor helps his parents with the farm work by feeding the ducks and chickens and also helping his dad milk the cows.
28. Riding horses.

Read the following text to answer question number 29 to 32.

Hello, my name is Martha and I am 8 years old. I am in 3rd grade in Primary level. In our class there are 27 students, 15 girls and 12 boys. My classroom is big and nice. Our teacher is Miss Rachel and she likes decorating the walls of the class with posters and our work. In our class there is a computer and a blackboard. I go to school by bus with my best friend Tina. We like our school.

29. How many boys are there in her class?
30. What does miss Rachel like to do in the classroom?
31. How does Martha go to school?
32. What is the name of Martha’s best friend?

Kunci Jawaban

29. There are 12 boys in Martha's class. 
30. Miss Rachel likes to decorate the walls of the classroom with posters and student work.
31. Martha goes to school by bus.
32. Martha's best friend's name is Tina.

Read the following text to answer question number 33 to 36.
Sea Turtles

Sea turtles live in warm oceans.They are slow on land. But they are fast swimmers. Some can swim 9 kilometers in an hour .They carry shells on their back. They eat grass, jellyfish and crabs. They live a long time. Some can live for 100 years. They are interesting animals.

33. Where do sea turtles live?
34. How far sea turtles can swim?
35. What do sea turtles eat?
36. How long do sea turtles live?

Kunci Jawaban

33. Warm oceans.
34. 9 kilometers in an hour.
35. Sea turtles eat grass, jellyfish, and crabs.
36. Some sea turtles can live for a long time, up to 100 years.

Read the following text to answer question number 37 to 40.

Ella and Jack are on the beach with their family. She is building a sandcastle. Her brother Jack is playing in the water slide. Her parents are taking a sunbath. Robert, the older brother is sad because he prefers going to the pool.

37. Where did Ella and Jack their family go?
38. What is Ella doing?
39. What is jack doing?
40. What are Ella’s parents doing?

Kunci Jawaban

37. They went to the beach.
38. Ella is building a sandcastle.
39. Jack is playing in the water slide. 
40. Ella's parents are taking a sunbath.

Read the following text to answer question number 41 to 45.

The Komodo Dragon Researcher

In the rugged terrain of Komodo National Park, Indonesia, a dedicated scientist named Dr. Maya embarks on a mission to study the Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard. With a keen eye and a passion for conservation, Dr. Maya carefully observes the Komodo dragons in their natural habitat, documenting their behavior, social interactions, and hunting techniques. Her research provides valuable insights into these magnificent creatures and helps ensure their protection for future generations.

41. What is the name of the scientist studying Komodo dragons?
42. Where can Komodo dragons be found?
43. What are some of the characteristics of Komodo dragons?
44. Why is Dr. Maya's research on Komodo dragons important?
45. What steps can we take to protect Komodo dragons and their habitat?

Kunci Jawaban

41. Dr. Maya
42. In Komodo National Park, Indonesia.
43. Having a keen eye, and being skilled hunters with unique hunting techniques.
44. Because it provides valuable insights into these creatures. This knowledge helps us understand their behavior, social interactions, and needs, which is crucial for ensuring their protection for future generations.
45. By supporting conservation efforts, reducing pollution, and raising awareness about the importance of these magnificent creatures..

Read the following text to answer question number 46 to 50.
The Batik Designer

In a bustling design studio in Jakarta, Indonesia, a creative designer named Putri breathes new life into the traditional art of batik. With a blend of traditional techniques and modern sensibilities, she transforms blank canvases into masterpieces, incorporating contemporary designs and vibrant colors that appeal to a global audience. Putri's work showcases the versatility and enduring beauty of batik, preserving its cultural heritage while adapting it to the ever-changing world of fashion.

46. What is the name of the batik designer?
47. What is batik, and where does it originate from?
48. How does Putri modernize traditional batik designs?
49. Why is it important to preserve and adapt traditional art forms like batik?
50. What word in the text is a synonym for "vibrant"?

Kunci Jawaban

46. Putri
47. Indonesia 
48. Blending traditional techniques with contemporary designs and vibrant colors that appeal to a global audience.
49. It is important to preserve and adapt traditional art forms like batik because they preserve cultural heritage while making them relevant in the modern world. 
50. Colorful


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