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100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Isian Singkat Anak SD dan Jawabannya - 100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Reading Anak SD Isian Singkat dan Jawabannya. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbai contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang Reading Comprehension yang cocok untuk anak-anak SD. Contoh soal terdiri dari 100 isian singkat atau Short Answers lengkap dengan jawabannya. Dengan metode latihan yang teratur dan dukungan yang baik dari orang dewasa, anak-anak SD dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris mereka secara bertahap dan dengan lebih percaya diri. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan lihat contoh soal di bawah ini dan kunci jawabannya.

Read the following text to answer question number 1 to 4.

The Dog

A small dog named Sparky lives with a family. He loves to play fetch and go for walks in the park. Sparky is a very friendly dog and loves to meet new people. He is always happy to see his family and greets them with wagging tail and wet kisses.

1. What is the dog's name?

2. What does Sparky like to do?

3. What is Sparky like?

4. How does Sparky greet his family?

Read the following text to answer question number 5 to 8.

The Cat

A fluffy cat named Whiskers lives in a cozy apartment with her owner, Emily. Whiskers loves to nap in sunny spots and curl up on Emily's lap. She is a very curious cat and loves to explore her surroundings. Whiskers is a loyal companion and always there to greet Emily when she comes home.

5. What is the cat's name?

6. What does Whiskers like to do?

7. What is Whiskers like?

8. How does Whiskers greet Emily?

Read the following text to answer question number 9 to 12.
The Bird

A colorful bird named Chirpy lives in a cage in a house with a young boy named Billy. Chirpy loves to sing and tweet and flap his wings. He is a very friendly bird and loves to interact with Billy. Chirpy brings joy to Billy and his family with his cheerful songs and playful antics.

9. What is the bird's name?

10. What does Chirpy like to do?

11. What is Chirpy like?

12. How does Chirpy bring joy to Billy and his family?

Read the following text to answer question number 13 to 16.

The Fish

A bright orange fish named Finny lives in a fish tank in an office with a group of employees. Finny loves to swim around the tank and watch the people working. He is a very peaceful fish and brings a sense of calm to the office. Finny is a reminder to the employees to take breaks and enjoy the simple things in life.

13. What is the fish's name?

14. What does Finny like to do?

15. What is Finny like?

16. How does Finny bring a sense of calm to the office?

Read the following text to answer question number 17 to 20.

The Turtle

A wise old turtle named Shelly lives in a pond in a park. Shelly loves to bask in the sun and watch the children play. She is a very patient creature and always has a kind word to say. Shelly is a symbol of wisdom and peace in the park.

17. What is the turtle's name?

18. What does Shelly like to do?

19. What is Shelly like?

20. What does Shelly symbolize?

Read the following text to answer question number 21 to 24.

The Busy Bee

In a bustling garden, a tiny bee named Buzz is hard at work. Buzz flies from flower to flower, collecting nectar and pollen. He is an essential part of the garden ecosystem, helping plants to grow and reproduce. Buzz is always busy, but he loves his work and takes pride in his contribution to the garden's beauty.

21. What is the bee's name?

22. What does Buzz do from flower to flower?

23. Why is Buzz important for the garden?

24. How does Buzz feel about his work?

Read the following text to answer question number 25 to 28.

The Playfuk Dolphin

In the vast ocean, a playful dolphin named Flipper leaps and twirls through the waves. Flipper loves to swim with his podmates, exploring the underwater world and playing games. He is a curious creature, always eager to discover new things. Flipper brings joy to everyone he meets with his infectious enthusiasm and playful antics.

25. What is the dolphin's name?

26. What does Flipper love to do in the water?

27. What is Flipper's personality like?

28. How does Flipper bring joy to others?

Read the following text to answer question number 29 to 32.

The Wise Owl

High in the branches of an old oak tree, a wise owl named Hoot perches silently, observing the world below. Hoot has seen many seasons come and go, and his keen eyes have witnessed countless events. He is a patient listener, always ready to offer advice and guidance to those who seek his wisdom. Hoot is a respected figure in the forest, and his presence brings a sense of peace and tranquility.

29. What is the owl's name?

30. Where does Hoot like to spend his time?

31. What is Hoot known for?

32. How does Hoot's presence affect those around him?

Read the following text to answer question number 33 to 36.

The Colorful Butterfly

Fluttering among the flowers in a meadow, a colorful butterfly named Flutterby dances with the breeze. Flutterby's wings are a kaleidoscope of colors, adding a touch of magic to the meadow. He is a gentle creature, always careful not to harm the delicate flowers he visits. Flutterby brings joy to everyone who sees him, a reminder of the beauty and fragility of nature.

33. What is the butterfly's name?

34. What does Flutterby do in the meadow?

35. What makes Flutterby special?

36. How does Flutterby make people feel?

Read the following text to answer question number 37 to 40.

The Sneaky Fox

In the depths of the forest, a sneaky fox named Foxy prowls in search of his next meal. Foxy is known for his cunning and agility, using his sharp senses to outsmart his prey. He is a solitary creature, content to roam the forest on his own. While some fear Foxy's predatory nature, he plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the forest ecosystem.

37. What is the fox's name?

38. What is Foxy known for?

39. What is Foxy's lifestyle like?

40. What is Foxy's role in the forest?

Read the following text to answer question number 41 to 45.

Komodo Dragon

On the Indonesian island of Komodo, a giant lizard named Komodo roams the wild. Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world, growing up to 10 feet long and weighing over 300 pounds. These fierce predators are known for their powerful jaws and venomous bites. Komodo dragons are an important part of the island's ecosystem, helping to control the populations of wild boars and deer.

41. What is the largest lizard in the world?

42. Where do Komodo dragons live?

43. How long can Komodo dragons grow?

44. What are Komodo dragons known for?

45. What role do Komodo dragons play in their ecosystem?

Read the following text to answer question number 46 to 50.


The angklung is a traditional musical instrument from Indonesia made of bamboo tubes. It is played by shaking the tubes back and forth, creating a unique and mesmerizing sound. Angklung music is often played in ensembles, with each player holding a different set of tubes tuned to a specific pitch. Angklung is an important part of Indonesian culture and is often played at festivals and celebrations.

46. What is the angklung made of?

47. How is the angklung played?

48. What kind of music is played on the angklung?

49. When is angklung music typically played?

50. Why is the angklung important to Indonesian culture?

Read the following text to answer question number 51 to 55.


Batik is a traditional Indonesian fabric made using a wax-resist dyeing technique. Artisans create intricate designs by applying wax to the fabric and then dyeing it. The wax prevents the dye from coloring certain areas, resulting in beautiful patterns and motifs. Batik is a UNESCO World Heritage and is an important part of Indonesian identity.

51. What is batik made of?

52. How is batik created?

53. What makes batik unique?

54. Why is batik considered an important part of Indonesian culture?

55. What is the significance of batik being recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage?

Read the following text to answer question number 56 to 60.

Nasi Goreng

Nasi goreng is a popular Indonesian fried rice dish. It is made by stir-frying cooked rice with eggs, vegetables, and meat or seafood. Nasi goreng is often seasoned with soy sauce, garlic, and chili peppers, giving it a flavorful and savory taste. This versatile dish can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and is a staple in Indonesian cuisine.

56. What is nasi goreng?

57. What are the main ingredients in nasi goreng?

58. How is nasi goreng prepared?

59. What is the flavor profile of nasi goreng?

60. When and how is nasi goreng typically eaten?

Read the following text to answer question number 61 to 65.

Garuda Pancasila

Garuda Pancasila is the national emblem of Indonesia. It depicts a mythical bird, Garuda, carrying a shield with the Pancasila, the five principles of Indonesian state ideology: Unity, Freedom, Democracy, Social Justice, and Belief in the One Supreme God. Garuda Pancasila is a symbol of strength, unity, and the nation's commitment to its founding principles.

61. What is the national emblem of Indonesia?

62. What does the Garuda Pancasila depict?

63. What are the five principles of the Pancasila?

64. What does Garuda Pancasila symbolize?

65. Why is Garuda Pancasila important to Indonesia?

Read the following text to answer question number 66 to 70.

Tari Kecak

In the heart of Bali, a captivating dance performance called Tari Kecak unfolds. This traditional dance tells the story of Ramayana, an epic Hindu tale of love, loyalty, and courage. Dancers, known as Kecak men, form a circle around a blazing fire, their voices echoing in rhythmic chants. Their movements are synchronized, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that transports the audience to the world of Ramayana.

66. What is the name of the traditional Balinese dance?

67. What epic Hindu tale does Tari Kecak retell?

68. Who are the performers in Tari Kecak called?

69. What is the setting of Tari Kecak?

70. What makes Tari Kecak a captivating performance?

Read the following text to answer question number 71 to 75.

Komodo National Park

Venturing into the depths of Komodo National Park, an archipelago of over 1,600 islands in Indonesia, unveils a realm of stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to the Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard, roaming amidst lush rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and pristine beaches. Komodo National Park is a haven for marine life, with vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish and majestic manta rays.

71. Where is Komodo National Park located?

72. What is Komodo National Park famous for?

73. What type of landscape can be found in Komodo National Park?

74. What marine creatures inhabit the waters of Komodo National Park?

75. Why is Komodo National Park considered a UNESCO World Heritage site?

Read the following text to answer question number 76 to 80.

Wayang Kulit

In the shadows of traditional Javanese homes, a captivating art form called Wayang Kulit comes to life. Shadow puppets, intricately crafted from leather, dance behind a lit screen, their silhouettes projected onto a white cloth. A skilled puppeteer narrates the stories, their voices weaving tales of ancient myths, folklore, and legends. The rhythmic clacking of wooden rods and the melodious sounds of gamelan music accompany the performance, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

76. What is the traditional Javanese art form called?

77. What are the puppets in Wayang Kulit made of?

78. How are the Wayang Kulit puppets manipulated?

79. What kind of stories are told through Wayang Kulit?

80. What instruments are used to create the music of Wayang Kulit?

Read the following text to answer question number 81 to 85.

Borobudur Temple

Amidst the lush greenery of central Java, Indonesia, a majestic Buddhist temple named Borobudur stands as a testament to ancient craftsmanship and spiritual devotion. This UNESCO World Heritage site, the largest Buddhist temple in the world, is adorned with intricate stone reliefs depicting the life of Buddha and his teachings. Visitors ascend the nine levels of the pyramid-shaped structure, each level representing a different stage of enlightenment, culminating in the stupa at the summit.

81. What is the name of the largest Buddhist temple in the world?

82. Where is Borobudur Temple located?

83. What religion is Borobudur Temple associated with?

84. What are the stone reliefs on Borobudur Temple depicting?

85. What is the significance of the stupa at the top of Borobudur Temple?

Read the following text to answer question number 86 to 90.


From the bustling streets of Padang, Indonesia, a culinary masterpiece called Rendang emerges, captivating taste buds worldwide. This slow-cooked beef dish, simmered for hours in a rich blend of aromatic spices, coconut milk, and herbs, is a testament to Indonesian culinary heritage. The tender meat, infused with intense flavors, melts in the mouth, leaving a symphony of spices lingering on the palate. Rendang is a versatile dish, enjoyed with rice, steamed vegetables, or as part of a festive feast.

86. What is the name of the traditional Indonesian beef dish?

87. Where did Rendang originate from?

88. What is the cooking method used to prepare Rendang?

89. What are the key ingredients in Rendang?

90. How is Rendang typically served?

Read the following text to answer question number 91 to 95.

The Batik Maker

In a small village nestled among the rice fields of Java, Indonesia, a skilled batik artisan named Ibu Ratna meticulously creates exquisite batik fabrics. With practiced hands, she dips a metal canting into a pot of molten wax, carefully tracing intricate patterns onto a piece of white cloth. The wax resists the dye, leaving behind vibrant colors and designs that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia.

91. What is the name of the batik artisan?

92. What is the traditional Indonesian fabric called?

93. What tool does Ibu Ratna use to apply the wax?

94. What do the intricate patterns on batik fabrics represent?

95. Why is batik considered an important part of Indonesian culture?

Read the following text to answer question number 96 to 100.

The Gamelan Orchestra

In the heart of a bustling Balinese village, a harmonious ensemble called Gamelan orchestra fills the air with mesmerizing melodies. Musicians, seated around a circle of bronze instruments, skillfully strike gongs, xylophones, and flutes, creating a rhythmic symphony that echoes through the streets. The music, deeply rooted in Balinese traditions, evokes a sense of joy, spirituality, and connection to the island's rich cultural heritage.

96. What is the traditional Balinese orchestra called?

97. What type of instruments are used in a Gamelan orchestra?

98. Where can you hear Gamelan music being played?

99. What emotions does Gamelan music evoke?

100. Why is Gamelan music considered an important part of Balinese culture?

Kunci Jawaban

  1. Sparky
  2. Sparky likes to play fetch and go for walks in the park.
  3. Sparky is a very friendly dog who loves to meet new people.
  4. Sparky greets his family with a wagging tail and wet kisses.
  5. Whiskers
  6. Whiskers likes to nap in sunny spots and curl up on Emily's lap.
  7. Whiskers is a very curious cat who loves to explore her surroundings.
  8. Whiskers greets Emily by being there to greet her when she comes home.
  9. Chirpy
  10. Chirpy likes to sing, tweet, and flap his wings.
  11. Chirpy is a very friendly bird who loves to interact with Billy.
  12. Chirpy brings joy to Billy and his family with his cheerful songs and playful antics.
  13. Finny
  14. Finny likes to swim around the tank and watch the people working.
  15. Finny is a very peaceful fish.
  16. Finny brings a sense of calm to the office by swimming peacefully in the fish tank. He serves as a reminder to the employees to take breaks and enjoy the simple things in life.
  17. Shelly
  18. Shelly likes to bask in the sun and watch the children play.
  19. Shelly is a very patient creature who always has a kind word to say.
  20. Shelly symbolizes wisdom and peace in the park.
  21. Buzz
  22. Buzz collects nectar and pollen from flower to flower.
  23. Buzz is important for the garden because he helps plants to grow and reproduce by pollinating them.
  24. Buzz loves his work and takes pride in his contribution to the garden's beauty.
  25. Flipper
  26. Flipper loves to leap and twirl through the waves, swim with his podmates, and play games.
  27. Flipper is a curious creature, always eager to discover new things. He is playful, enthusiastic, and brings joy to everyone he meets.
  28. Flipper brings joy to others with his infectious enthusiasm, playful antics, and by exploring the underwater world with his podmates.
  29. Hoot
  30. Hoot likes to spend his time high in the branches of an old oak tree.
  31. Hoot is known for his wisdom, patience as a listener, and his readiness to offer advice and guidance.
  32. Hoot's presence brings a sense of peace and tranquility to those around him. He is a respected figure in the forest, and people seek his wisdom and guidance.
  33. Flutterby
  34. Flutterby dances with the breeze among the flowers in the meadow.
  35. Flutterby's wings are a kaleidoscope of colors, adding a touch of magic to the meadow. He is gentle and careful not to harm the delicate flowers he visits.
  36. Flutterby makes people feel joyous and appreciative of the beauty and fragility of nature when they see him.
  37. Foxy
  38. Foxy is known for his cunning and agility, using his sharp senses to outsmart his prey.
  39. Foxy is a solitary creature who prowls the depths of the forest in search of his next meal. He is content to roam the forest on his own.
  40. Foxy plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the forest ecosystem by controlling the population of prey animals.
  41. Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world.
  42. Komodo dragons live on the Indonesian island of Komodo.
  43. Komodo dragons can grow up to 10 feet long.
  44. Komodo dragons are known for their powerful jaws and venomous bites.
  45. Komodo dragons play an important role in their ecosystem by helping to control the populations of wild boars and deer.
  46. The angklung is made of bamboo tubes.
  47. The angklung is played by shaking the bamboo tubes back and forth.
  48. Angklung music is often played in ensembles, with each player holding a different set of tubes tuned to a specific pitch.
  49. Angklung music is typically played at festivals and celebrations.
  50. The angklung is important to Indonesian culture because it is a traditional musical instrument that represents cultural heritage and is used to preserve and promote Indonesian music and traditions.
  51. Batik is made of fabric, typically cotton or silk, on which a wax-resist dyeing technique is applied.
  52. Batik is created by artisans applying wax to the fabric in intricate designs. The waxed areas resist the dye when the fabric is dyed, creating beautiful patterns and motifs.
  53. Batik is unique because of its intricate designs created through the wax-resist dyeing technique, resulting in distinctive patterns and motifs.
  54. Batik is considered important to Indonesian culture because it represents traditional craftsmanship, cultural heritage, and national identity. It is worn for special occasions and ceremonies and is a source of pride for Indonesians.
  55. The recognition of batik as a UNESCO World Heritage enhances its international recognition and protection. It acknowledges batik as a cultural treasure that should be preserved and promoted globally, contributing to its sustainability and appreciation worldwide.
  56. Nasi goreng is a popular Indonesian fried rice dish.
  57. The main ingredients in nasi goreng include cooked rice, eggs, vegetables, and either meat or seafood. It is seasoned with soy sauce, garlic, and chili peppers.
  58. Nasi goreng is prepared by stir-frying cooked rice with eggs, vegetables, and meat or seafood in a wok or frying pan. Soy sauce, garlic, and chili peppers are added for seasoning.
  59. Nasi goreng has a flavorful and savory taste, thanks to the combination of soy sauce, garlic, and chili peppers. It is often described as rich and aromatic.
  60. Nasi goreng can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, making it a versatile dish in Indonesian cuisine. It is commonly eaten hot and fresh, straight from the frying pan or wok.
  61. The national emblem of Indonesia is Garuda Pancasila.
  62. Garuda Pancasila depicts a mythical bird, Garuda, carrying a shield with the Pancasila, the five principles of Indonesian state ideology.
  63. The five principles of the Pancasila are Unity, Freedom, Democracy, Social Justice, and Belief in the One Supreme God.
  64. Garuda Pancasila symbolizes strength, unity, and the nation's commitment to its founding principles.
  65. Garuda Pancasila is important to Indonesia because it represents the nation's identity, values, and aspirations.
  66. The name of the traditional Balinese dance is Tari Kecak.
  67. Tari Kecak retells the epic Hindu tale of Ramayana.
  68. The performers in Tari Kecak are called Kecak men.
  69. The setting of Tari Kecak is in the heart of Bali, often around a blazing fire.
  70. What makes Tari Kecak a captivating performance is the combination of rhythmic chants, synchronized movements, a blazing fire, and the epic story of Ramayana.
  71. Komodo National Park is located in Indonesia, among an archipelago of over 1,600 islands.
  72. Komodo National Park is famous for being home to the Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard. 
  73. The type of landscape found in Komodo National Park includes lush rainforests, volcanic landscapes, and pristine beaches.
  74. Marine creatures inhabiting the waters of Komodo National Park include colorful fish, majestic manta rays, and likely many other marine species. հղ Komodo National Park, Indonesia Komodo National Park is considered a UNESCO World Heritage site because of its stunning natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and presence of the Komodo dragon, a unique and endangered species.
  75. The traditional Javanese art form is called Wayang Kulit.
  76. The puppets in Wayang Kulit are made of intricately crafted leather.
  77. Wayang Kulit puppets are manipulated using wooden rods.
  78. The stories told through Wayang Kulit are tales of ancient myths, folklore, and legends.
  79. The music of Wayang Kulit is created with gamelan instruments.
  80. The name of the largest Buddhist temple in the world is Borobudur Temple.
  81. Borobudur Temple is located amidst the lush greenery of central Java, Indonesia.
  82. Borobudur Temple is associated with Buddhism.
  83. The stone reliefs on Borobudur Temple depict the life of Buddha and his teachings.
  84. The significance of the stupa at the top of Borobudur Temple is that it represents the culmination of the journey towards enlightenment.
  85. Rendang 
  86. Padang, Indonesia 
  87. Slow-cooked for hours 
  88. Beef, aromatic spices, coconut milk, and herbs 
  89. With rice, steamed vegetables, or as part of a festive feast 
  90. Ibu Ratna 
  91. Batik 
  92. Canting 
  93. The rich cultural heritage of Indonesia 
  94. Batik is considered an important part of Indonesian culture because it reflects the country's artistic traditions and heritage.
  95. Gamelan orchestra 
  96. Gongs, xylophones, and flutes 
  97. In the heart of a bustling Balinese village
  98. Joy, spirituality, and connection 
  99. Gamelan music is considered an important part of Balinese culture because it is deeply rooted in Balinese traditions and connects people to the island's cultural heritage.


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