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Contoh Job Application Email dan Soal Email - Contoh Job Application Email dan Soal Email. Email telah ada dalam beberapa bentuk sejak tahun 1970-an, ketika pemrogram Ray Tomlinson. Saat ini, email adalah salah satu metode komunikasi digital yang paling populer. Dalam postingan ini, kami juga menjelaskan proses menulis email yang efektif untuk lamaran kerja.


My name's Beth. I'm thirteen years old and I'm a student at Liberty High School in Brighton. I like sport, especially basketball and tennis. My favourite tennis player is Rafael Nadal. My friends love football, but I hate it. My other interests are music and chatting on the Internet. I'm really into pop music, but I haven't got a favourite group.

What about you? Have you got any hobbies or interests? Please write and send a photo if you've got one.

Bye for now,


A. Read the model text (e-mail) and answer the questions. 

1. Who is the addressee of the email
2. Who is the sender email 
3. Is this email formal or informal? 
4. Which paragraph asks the reader questions? 
5. Which paragraph is about Beth's interests? 
6. Which paragraph introduces Beth?

Hi (Recipient's name),

Hi, my name is (name), and I would like to introduce myself to you. I am applying for the position of (job name).

I’ve spent time researching your business and am excited about the opportunity. The job description provides a fantastic snapshot of the role and what life would be like at (organization).

I’ve attached my CV to this email. You can find details of my previous roles, experience, and achievements. I’m particularly proud of (insert information).

I’m excited about this opportunity and would love to know more about the process, including timelines for you to decide on interviews.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

(Your name).


Hai (Nama Penerima),

Hai, nama saya (nama), dan saya ingin memperkenalkan diri kepada Anda. Saya melamar untuk posisi (nama pekerjaan).

Saya telah menghabiskan waktu untuk meneliti bisnis Anda dan sangat antusias dengan peluang ini. Deskripsi pekerjaan memberikan gambaran yang fantastis tentang peran dan seperti apa kehidupan di (organisasi).

Saya telah melampirkan CV saya ke email ini. Anda dapat menemukan detail peran, pengalaman, dan pencapaian saya sebelumnya. Saya sangat bangga dengan (masukkan informasi).

Saya senang dengan kesempatan ini dan ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang prosesnya, termasuk jadwal bagi Anda untuk memutuskan wawancara.

Saya berharap mendengar kabar dari kamu.




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