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Apa Itu Ventriloquism dan Ventriloquist? - Apa Itu Ventriloquism dan Ventriloquist? Ventriloquism adalah seni menghasilkan suara vokal yang seolah-olah berasal dari sumber lain, dengan kata lain orang yang memiliki kemampuan seperti itu dapat memainkan suaranya hingga seolah-olah itu bukan suara dari mulutnya.  Demikian halnya dengan ventriloque, manusia yang ucapannya tidak keluar dari mulut tetapi dari perut (ventre - perut; loquor - berbicara)". Aktivitas itu disebut ventriloq Ventriloquist adalah seniman yang mempraktikkan seni ventriloquism.

The Meaning of Ventriloquism and Ventriloquist

Ventriloquism and Ventriloquist "Ventriloquism is the art of producing vocal sounds that appear to come from another source. Ventriloquist is an artist who practices the art of ventriloquism. Such is the case with the ventriloque , a human whose speech emerges not from the mouth but from the stomach (ventre - stomach ; loquor - speak)"

Rooney: "What are you watching?"
Ronaldo: "I’m currently watching Paul Zerdin performance."
Rooney: "Who is he?"
Ronaldo: "Paul Zerdin was a ventriloquist act from Season 10 of America's Got Talent. He was the winner of the competition, claiming the $1,000,000 prize and the headlining of a show in Las Vegas."
Rooney: "What is ventriloquist?"  
Ronaldo: "Ventriloquist is a person who talking with the tongue and not moving the mouth or face."
Kira-kira seperti itulah ilustrasi percakapan yang menjelaskan tentang Ventriloquism dan Ventriloquist. Semoga penjelasan di atas dapat dipahami.

Example sentences containing 'Ventriloquism dan Ventriloquist'

Funny ventriloquist and puppet share the language of love.

Ventriloquist Paul Zerdin won America's Got Talent 2015.

Darci Lynne Sees Sofia Vergara's Ventriloquism for the first time.

He can also perform Chinese traditional magic and ventriloquism.

People have been interested in ventriloquism for over 200 years.


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