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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Job "Nurse" Untuk Siswa SD - Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Job "Nurse" Untuk Siswa SD. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang Descriptive Text yang menceritakan tentang suatu pekerjaan yaitu perawat. Cerita deskriptif ini juga dilengkapi 10 contoh soal, contoh soal di bawah ini bukan esai/essay namun lebih tepatnya disebut soal isian singkat kerena memang jawaban yang diinginkan memang singkat. Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari pertanyaan anda bisa klik pada tombol 'Lihat Kunci Jawaban' Jika Anda ingin contoh soal Descriptive dalam bentuk pilihan ganda/objektif silahkan kunjungi link di bawah ini.


15 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru

This is Nelly. She's a nurse. She's tall and thin. She works at the hospital. She looks after sick people. She gets up at six o'clock in the morning. She takes a shower and puts on her clothes. Then she eats breakfast at half past six. At seven o'clock, she drives her car to the hospital.

Nelly starts work at eight o'clock. She cleans the rooms in the hospital. Then, she helps the doctors. At twelve o'clock, she has lunch. She goes home at five o'clock.

At home, she takes a shower and she cooks dinner. She has dinner at half past six in the evening. Then, she watches TV. At ten o'clock, she goes to bed.

Lihat Terjemahan

Ini Nelly. Dia seorang perawat. Dia tinggi dan kurus. Dia bekerja di rumah sakit. Dia merawat orang sakit. Dia bangun jam enam pagi. Dia mandi dan memakai pakaiannya. Kemudian dia sarapan pada pukul setengah enam. Pada pukul tujuh, dia mengendarai mobilnya ke rumah sakit.

Nelly mulai bekerja pada pukul delapan. Dia membersihkan kamar di rumah sakit. Kemudian, dia membantu para dokter. Pukul dua belas, dia makan siang. Dia pulang jam lima.

Di rumah, dia mandi dan memasak makan malam. Dia makan malam jam setengah enam malam. Kemudian, dia menonton TV. Pukul sepuluh, dia pergi tidur.

1. What's her name?
2. What is she
3. Where does she work?
4. Is she fat?
5. Can she drive a car?
6. Does she get up at six o'clock?
7. Does she cook dinner at the hospital?
8. What time does she have lunch?
9. What time does she have dinner?
10. What time does she go to bed?

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

  1. Nelly
  2. nurse
  3. hospital
  4. No, she is not
  5. Yes, she can
  6. Yes, she does
  7. No, She doesn't
  8. At twelve o'clock
  9. She has dinner at half past six in the evening.
  10. At ten o'clock, she goes to bed


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