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Soal Descriptive Text Isian Singkat My Classmate is a Dancer Terbaru - Soal Descriptive Text Isian Singkat My Classmate is a Dancer Terbaru. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang 10 contoh soal Descriptive text kategori deskripsi orang dengan judul My Classmate is a Dancer. Contoh soal dibawah ini bukan esai/essay namun lebih tepatnya disebut soal isian singkat kerena memang jawaban yang diinginkan memang singkat. Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari pertanyaan anda bisa klik pada tombol 'Lihat Kunci Jawaban' Jika Anda ingin contoh soal Descriptive dalam bentuk pilihan ganda/objektif silahkan kunjungi link di bawah ini.


15 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru

My classmate is a dancer

Linda is my classmate. She is very beautiful and friendly. Her hair is aslong as her shoulders. She is very energetic. She is very active in her school and takes some extracurricular subjects. One of them is dancing.
She has been practicing dance since she was six years old. She can dance both traditional and modern dances, but she prefers traditional dances to modern ones. Her favourite dance is pakarena dance. It is from makassar.

Every time she performs the dance on the stage, she always gives her best performance to her audience, so they really enjoy her dance.

So far, she has appeared may times in formal ceremonies so she is very famous in our school. She often performs abroad as a member of Indonesia cultural delegations. Someday, she dreams to become a well-known dacer and if she has enough money, she will own a dancing company.

Lihat Terjemahan

Teman Sekelas Saya Seorang Penari

Linda adalah teman sekelasku. Dia sangat cantik dan ramah. Rambutnya sepanjang bahunya. Dia sangat energik. Dia sangat aktif di sekolahnya dan mengambil beberapa mata pelajaran ekstrakurikuler. Salah satunya adalah menari.

Dia telah berlatih menari sejak dia berusia enam tahun. Dia bisa menari baik tarian tradisional maupun modern, tetapi dia lebih menyukai tarian tradisional daripada modern. Tarian favoritnya adalah tarian pakarena. Itu dari makassar.
Setiap dia menampilkan tarian di atas panggung, dia selalu memberikan penampilan terbaiknya kepada para penontonnya, sehingga mereka sangat menikmati tariannya.

Sejauh ini, dia sering muncul dalam upacara formal jadi dia sangat terkenal di sekolah kami. Dia sering tampil di luar negeri sebagai anggota delegasi budaya Indonesia. Suatu hari nanti, dia bercita-cita menjadi seorang penari terkenal dan jika dia memiliki cukup uang, dia akan memiliki sebuah grup tari.

1. Who is Linda?
2. "... so they really enjoy her dance." (paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to ....
3. what kind of dance does she prefer?
4. How did she become very popular?
5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
6. Why does the audience like her performance?
7. What is her experience?
8. What is a good title of the text above?
9. What kind of a person is she?
10. What is the generic structure of the text above?

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

  1. Writer's classmate
  2. Audience
  3. Traditional dances from Makasar as known pakarena dance
  4. She has appeared may times in formal ceremonies
  5. She dreams to become a well-known dacer
  6. Because, she always gives her best performance.
  7. She often performs abroad as a member of Indonesia cultural delegations.
  8. My classmate is a dancer.
  9. She is very beautiful and friendly. She is very energetic and very active in her school.
  10. Identification and Description.


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