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Apa Maksud Leather Tramp? - Apa Maksud Leather Tramp? Leather Tramp adalah orang yang hidup secara nomaden, tetapi bukan gelandangan, mereka berjalan dan menumpang dengan mobil yang dijumpai sepanjang jalan ketika melintasi negara satu dengan negara lainnya atau daerah yang satu dengan daerah lainnya. Saya menemukan istilah ini ketika menonton film Into the Wild (2007).

The Meaning of Leather Tramp

Leather Tramp means "person who lives a nomadic existence, but contrary to rubber tramps, they walk and hitchhike their way across the country."

Rainey: "So you're a leather now."
Alex: "I'm a leather?"
Jan: "Yeah, a leather tramp. That's what they call the ones that hoof it, go on foot. Technically we're rubber tramps."
Rainey: "Because we have a vehicle. [tries to put his arm around Jan] You don't have to push me away."
Kira-kira seperti itulah ilustrasi percakapan yang menjelaskan tentang Leather Tramp. Semoga penjelasan di atas dapat dipahami.

Example sentences containing 'Leather Tramp'

Chris Mccandless traversed the country as a leather tramp.

A leather tramp has no vehicle, and travels on foot, shoes often being made of leather.

I want to be leather tramp someday.

I met leather trump enthusiastic in Bandung.

I'm talking about leather tramp not rubber  tramp.


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