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50 Soal Penggunaan Since and For Beserta Kunci Jawabannya - 50 Soal Penggunaan Since and For Beserta Kunci Jawabannya. Beberapa diantara kita masih sering rau dan bingung dalam penggunaan since atau for pada suatu kalimat bahasa Inggris. Since digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang awal mula suatu kegiatan, peristiwa, ataupun kondisi. Hal ini mengacu pada ketika suatu hal dimulai contoh: two o'clock, last Friday, 1998. Sedangkan for kita gunakan untuk mengukur durasi suatu aksi, acara, atau kejadian. Ketika kita mengukur durasi, kita mengatakan berapa lama hal tersebut berlangsung. Untuk lebih jelasnya beriut ini saya akan membagikan 50 Soal Penggunaan Since and For Beserta Kunci Jawabannya. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepahaman Anda tentang penggunaa since or for, silahkan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berikut ini.


Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat For dan Since

Prepositions of Place 

Directions: Complete the sentences below with since or for.

1. I have been waiting __________ 4 o'clock.

a) since 

b) for

2. Sue has only been waiting __________ 25 minutes.

a) since 

b) for

3. John and Linda have been learning English __________ five years.

a) since 

b) for

4. Tom and Jenny have been learning French __________ 2005.

a) since 

b) for

5. Joe and Josephine have been going out together __________ Valentine's Day.

a) since 

b) for

6. I haven't been on holiday __________ last August.

a) since 

b) for

7. Amanda has been saving her money __________ many years.

a) since 

b) for

8. I haven't eaten anything __________ breakfast.

a) since 

b) for

9. You have been watching TV __________ hours.

a) since 

b) for

10. We have been living here __________ 3 months.

a) since 

b) for

11. We have played golf __________ two hours.

a) since 

b) for

12. I've wanted to be a vet __________ I was ten.

a) since 

b) for

13. They have been friends __________ a long time.

a) since 

b) for

14. She hasn't drunk __________ we got there.

a) since 

b) for

15. Lots of things have happened __________ then.

a) since 

b) for

16. I have lived in Spain __________ ten years.

a) since 

b) for

17. My parents need the van __________ two days.

a) since 

b) for

18. I've known her __________ she was born.

a) since 

b) for

19. We have been busy __________ morning.

a) since 

b) for

20. He has worked here __________ seven years.

a) since 

b) for

21. I’ve been working at this company ____________ five years.

a) since 

b) for

22. That restaurant has been open __________ this morning.

a) since 

b) for

23. Kate has lived here __________ 2012.

a) since 

b) for

24. It has been raining __________ a long time.

a) since 

b) for

25. The TV has been on __________ five o’clock.

a) since 

b) for

26. I have wanted to be a doctor __________ I was a kid.

a) since 

b) for

27. Sam has studied at this college __________ only a week.

a) since 

b) for

28. The telephone has been ringing __________ a few minutes.

a) since 

b) for

29. Maria and Eduardo have been married __________ three months.

a) since 

b) for

30. My uncle has been in the hospital __________ last Tuesday.

a) since 

b) for

31. Dinosaurs have been extinct __________ 65 million years.

a) since 

b) for

32. I’ve had this job __________ June.

a) since 

b) for

33. I haven’t seen my friend __________ last week.

a) since 

b) for

34. We’ve been waiting for our flight __________ an hour.

a) since 

b) for

35. Stewart hasn’t eaten any junk food __________ several months. 

a) since 

b) for

36. He has been here __________ a long period.

a) since 

b) for

37. She has lived in New York __________ six years.

a) since 

b) for

38. They have worked __________ 1995.

a) since 

b) for

39. Linda has been on holidays __________ six weeks.

a) since 

b) for

40. He has been learning French __________ eight months.

a) since 

b) for

41. The weather has been awful __________ the beginning of the year.

a) since 

b) for

42. They have been married __________ a long time.

a) since 

b) for

43. I haven't seen her __________ ages.

a) since 

b) for

44. She has got that job __________ March, 18th.

a) since 

b) for

45. He has put on weight __________ the end of last year.

a) since 

b) for

46. I have been well paid __________ I joined that firm.

a) since 

b) for

47. Kevin has been playing __________ hours.

a) since 

b) for

48. She has been singing __________ ten o'clock.

a) since 

b) for

49. I have been waiting for you __________ ten minutes.

a) since 

b) for

50. Mike has been hired __________ a six-month period.

a) since 

b) for

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

    1. since

    2. for

    3. for

    4. since

    5. since

    6. since

    7. for

    8. since

    9. for

    10. for

    11. for

    12. since

    13. for

    14. since

    15. since

    16. for

    17. for

    18. since

    19. since

    20. for

    21. for

    22. since

    23. since

    24. for

    25. since

    26. since

    27. for

    28. for

    29. for

    30. since

    31. for

    32. since

    33. since

    34. for

    35. for

    36. for

    37. for

    38. since

    39. for

    40. for

    41. since

    42. for

    43. for

    44. since

    45. since

    46. since

    47. for

    48. since

    49. for

    50. for

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