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Perbedaan Between dan Among Beserta Contoh Soal - Perbedaan Between dan Among Beserta Contoh Soal. Dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, Grammar merupakan salah satu elemen penting yang harus Anda ketahui. Walaupun mungkin dalam prosesnya kita mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami keseluruhan materi Grammar. Namun, seidaknya Anda harus menguasai bagian dasarnya. Seperti mengetahui perbedaan antara between dan among dalam penerapannya pada kalimat bahasa Inggris. Kali ini saya akan memberikan penjelasan tentang penggunaan anatara Between dan Among beserta contoh soal.


between merujuk pada dua orang, dua benda, dua tempat dan sebagainya. between digunakan apabila Anda ingin menyampaikan suatu hal/suatu benda yang terletak diantara dua hal/benda.


The twins shared the sweets between themselves.

There was a cyclist between the car and the lorry.

I didn’t want to have to choose between the singers.


among merujuk pada tiga atau lebih orang, tiga atau lebih benda, tiga atau lebih tempat dan sebagainya. among digunakan apabila Anda ingin menyampaikan suatu hal/suatu benda yang terletak di dalam sebuah grup, kelompok atau suatu kumpulan.


Divide the cake among the five of you.

The ancient fountain was hidden among the trees.

My bag is among those bags in front of the class.

Contoh Soal Perbedaan Between dan Among

1. Jared disappeared the crowd.

2. We shared the pie the four of us.

3. Jhave to choose taking French or Spanish next year.

4. Chelsea shared her birthday cake the whole class.

5. You can relax here because you’re friends.

6. Our school is the post office and the movie theater.

7. I don’t think we have even $5 the three of us.

8. I had to sit the two students I like the least.

9. You have to choose babysitting and going to the mall.

10. There are only a few serious students the kids at this school. 

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

1. Jared disappeared among the crowd.
2. We shared the pie among the four of us.
3. I have to choose between taking French or Spanish next year.
4. Chelsea shared her birthday cake among the whole class.
5. You can relax here because you’re among friends.
6. Our school is between the post office and the movie theater.
7. I don’t think we have even $5 among the three of us.
8. I had to sit between the two students I like the least.
9. You have to choose between babysitting and going to the mall.
10. There are only a few serious students among the kids at this school.

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