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Apa Maksud EPIC? - Apa Maksud Epic? Epic adalah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa diartikan hebat sekali, baik sekali dan heroik. Dalam definisi lainnya, Epic juga diartikan sebagai sebuah puisi panjang, biasanya berasal dari tradisi lisan kuno, menceritakan tindakan dan petualangan tokoh-tokoh heroik, legendaris atau sejarah pada suatu bangsa.

The Meaning of Epic

Epic means "a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation."

Sam: "Hey Jane, there is a musical concert in the park. You want to go see the band play?"
Jane: "I am done with my homework; I can go."
John: "Me too. Let’s go."
Jane: "Hey, look at that sport car. Isn’t it neat?"
Sam: "That is exactly the kind of car that I want once I get a good job. I bet it is very fast. I want mine to be red though."
Jane: "Look! the owner of that sport car is helping grandma across."
Sam: "This is an epic moment that I have ever seen."
Kira-kira seperti itulah ilustrasi percakapan yang menjelaskan tentang Epic. Semoga penjelasan di atas dapat dipahami.

Example sentences containing 'Epic'

The publisher is hoping the writer’s final novel will be epic.

With over twenty artists performing, the concert is going to be epic.

Epic battle between lions and buffalo.

This is an epic novel.

An Epic Poem of the Beginnings of Britain.


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