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39 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'I Agree' - 39 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'I Agree'. Kita semua tahu bahwa sangat penting mendengarkan pendapat orang lain, setuju atau tidak kita terhadap pendapat orang lain itu tergantung pemikiran masing-masing individu. Tetapi apakah Anda tahu bahwa "I Agree" bukan satu-satunya cara untuk merespons ketika setuju dengan pendapat orang lain. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris kali ini Anda akan belajar beberapa alternatif frase lain yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti kata 'I Agree'. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak 39 Alternatif Dari Frase I Agree. Semoga 39 frase Bahasa Inggris Pengganti 'I Agree' ini bermanfaat..

No 39 Ways to Say I Agree
1 I agree with you.
2 Yup
3 We are of one mind.
4 You can say that again.
5 I could not agree with you more.
6 That’s right.
7 Agreed.
8 You took the words right out of my mouth.
9 We’re in accord.
10 I agree.
11 Yeah
12 Yep
13 Absolutely!
14 You’re absolutely right.
15 Exactly!
16 You’ve found.
17 You are so right.
18 You got it.
19 I could not have said it any better.
20 Our thoughts are parallel.
21 My thoughts exactly.
22 Affirmative.
23 No doubt about it.
24 I guess so.
25 I had that same idea.
26 That’s exactly how I feel.
27 I’d go along with that.
28 That’s just what I was thinking.
29 Of course.
30 That’s exactly what I was thinking.
31 Sure.
32 I think you are totally right about that.
33 I don’t doubt you’re right.
34 I see what you mean…
35 You’ve hit the nail on the head.
36 So do I.
37 I fee that way too.
38 Me too.
39 Definitely.


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