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Soal Narrative Text Isian Singkat The Rooster and The Fox - Soal Narrative Text Isian Singkat The Rooster and The Fox Terbaru. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang 10 contoh soal Narrative text kategori Fable tentang The Rooster and The Fox. Contoh soal dibawah ini bukan esai/essay namun lebih tepatnya disebut soal isian singkat kerena memang jawaban yang diinginkan memang singkat. Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari pertanyaan anda bisa klik pada tombol 'Lihat Kunci Jawaban' Jika Anda ingin contoh soal Narrative dalam bentuk pilihan ganda/objektif silahkan kunjungi link di bawah ini.


20 Contoh Soal Narrative Text dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru

The Rooster and The Fox

A rooster sat perched way up in a tree, crowing loudly. A fox heard him and came running to see if he could get a chicken dinner. On the way he thought up a plan to get the rooster to come down. “Hello, brother Rooster,” he said in his nicest voice. “Have you heard of the universal peace agreement that has happened between all the animals? We will none of us ever eat each other again but live in peace. Why don’t you come down and we can talk about this great news?”

The rooster knew what kind of animal the fox was. He knew the fox was trying to trick him. So he decided to trick him back. He looked very closely at something far in the distance. “What are you looking at up there?” asked the fox. “I think I see a pack of dogs coming this way on a fox hunt.”
“Well, if that is the case, I better be off,” said the fox.
”But why would you be afraid of dogs in a time of peace like this?” asked the clever rooster.
“I am not sure they have heard about the new agreement of peace,” he said and took off.

Lihat Terjemahan

Ayam dan Rubah

Seekor ayam jantan duduk bertengger di atas pohon, berkokok keras. Seekor rubah mendengarnya dan berlari untuk melihat apakah dia bisa mendapatkan makan malam ayam. Dalam perjalanan dia memikirkan rencana untuk membuat ayam jantan turun. "Halo, kakak Rooster," katanya dengan suara terbaiknya. “Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang perjanjian perdamaian universal yang telah terjadi di antara semua hewan? Kita tidak akan pernah makan satu sama lain lagi, tapi hidup dengan damai. Mengapa Anda tidak turun dan kami bisa memberitahukan kabar baik ini? "

Ayam jantan tahu jenis hewan apa rubah itu. Dia tahu rubah sedang mencoba menipunya. Jadi dia memutuskan untuk menipunya kembali. Dia melihat sangat dekat pada sesuatu yang jauh di kejauhan. "Apa yang kamu lihat di atas sana?" Tanya rubah. "Kurasa aku melihat sekawanan anjing datang ke sini untuk berburu rubah."
"Yah, jika itu masalahnya, aku lebih baik pergi," kata rubah.
"Tapi mengapa kamu takut pada anjing di saat damai seperti ini?" Tanya ayam jago pintar.
"Saya tidak yakin mereka telah mendengar tentang perjanjian baru perdamaian," katanya dan pergi.

1. What is the generic structure of the text above?
2. The rooster was way up in a tree ....
3. The fox ran to the rooster to get a ....
4. The plan the fox thought up was ....
5. The universal peace agreement means ....
6. The fox wanted the rooster to ....
7. The rooster told the fox he saw ....
8. The rooster was ....
9. Sudden offers of friendship means ....
10. "He was hot and tired and decided to stop" The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

Lihat Kunci Jawaban

  1. Orientation-Complication-Resolution
  2. crowing loudly.
  3. chicken dinner.
  4. there was a universal peace agreement between all animals.
  5. no animals will eat each other.
  6. come down and talk so he could eat him.
  7. a pack of dogs on a fox hunt.
  8. clever
  9. a person suddenly being nice to you when they had been mean before.
  10. determinev


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