- 123 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'I Love You'. I Love You adalah salah satu ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan rasa kasih sayang atau cinta kepada orang lain, I Love You atau Saya Cinta Kamu ini sering kita ucapkan ketika kita suka, sayang atau memiliki perasaan berlebih kepada seseorang. Dalam mengungkapkan I Love You, ada beberapa kata lain yang bisa kita gunakan selain itu. Untuk membantu meningkatkan keterampilan kita dalam melafalkan bahasa Inggris, penting untuk kita memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sumber. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris kali ini Anda akan belajar beberapa alternatif kata lain yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti kata 'I Love You'. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak 123 Alternatif Dari Kata I Love You. Semoga 123 Kata Bahasa Inggris Pengganti 'I Love You' ini bermanfaat..
No | 123 Ways to Say I Love You |
1 | I value you |
2 | I want you |
3 | I’m fond of you |
4 | You’re my sunshine |
5 | You’re perfect |
6 | I must have you |
7 | I adore you so much |
8 | I cherish you |
9 | I dream of you |
10 | I’m in love with you |
11 | I’m mad about you |
12 | My love is unconditional |
13 | You are the reason I’m alive |
14 | You’re priceless |
15 | I’m addicted to you |
16 | You are precious |
17 | I’m crazy about you |
18 | I’m thankful for you |
19 | I’ve got a crush on you |
20 | You are my treasure |
21 | I’m drawn to you |
22 | You are my world |
23 | I live for our love |
24 | You’re the best |
25 | You’re my lover |
26 | You’re my angel |
27 | I yearn for you |
28 | You are my one and only |
29 | You are the light of my life |
30 | I care for you deeply |
31 | I am infatuated with you |
32 | I can’t live without you |
33 | I’m devoted to you |
34 | I’m nuts about you |
35 | I think you’re the one |
36 | I want a lifetime with you |
37 | I love being around you |
38 | I need you by my side |
39 | I’m enamored with you |
40 | I’m head over heels for you |
41 | I’m infatuated with you |
42 | I’m lost without you |
43 | I’m nothing without you |
44 | I’m passionate about you |
45 | I’m under your spell |
46 | I’ve totally fallen for you |
47 | My heart calls out for you |
48 | Take me, I’m yours |
49 | You’re captivating |
50 | You’re heavenly |
51 | There is no other |
52 | We complete each other |
53 | You are my crush |
54 | You are my dear |
55 | You are my everything |
56 | You are my strength |
57 | You complete me |
58 | You drive me wild |
59 | You fill my heart |
60 | You give me wings to fly |
61 | You had me from hello |
62 | You inspire me |
63 | You intoxicate me |
64 | You light my flame |
65 | You light up my life |
66 | You make me hot |
67 | You motivate me |
68 | You rock my world |
69 | You simply amaze me |
70 | You stole my heart |
71 | You’re all I want |
72 | You’re charming |
73 | You’re enchanting |
74 | You’re everything to me |
75 | You’re my happiness |
76 | You’re my ideal woman |
77 | You’re my perfect match |
78 | You’re one in a million |
79 | You’re special to me |
80 | You fill me with desire |
81 | You bring joy to my life |
82 | You’re the one for me |
83 | You set my heart on fire |
84 | I feel something for you |
85 | You turn me inside out |
86 | You’ve got what I need |
87 | You’re a dream come true |
88 | You’re the light of my life |
89 | You’re the love of my life |
90 | You mean so much to me |
91 | You mean the world to me |
92 | You’re the miracle of my life |
93 | I’d like for us to get together |
94 | I’m physically attracted to you |
95 | We were meant to be together |
96 | We’re meant for each other |
97 | We’re perfect for each other |
98 | You are a blessing in disguise |
99 | You are an angel from God |
100 | You sweeten my sour days |
101 | You’re a twinkle in my eye |
102 | You are my reason for living |
103 | You’re absolutely wonderful |
104 | You turn my world upside down |
105 | You turn the darkness into life |
106 | You’re the reason I’m alive |
107 | You make me burn with desire |
108 | You hold the key to my heart |
109 | You’re as beautiful as a sunset |
110 | You’re one in a million |
111 | You can’t deny what’s between us |
112 | You lift me up to touch the sky |
113 | I feel affectionate toward you |
114 | I’m a better person because of you |
115 | I’m blessed to have you in my life |
116 | You make my heart skip a beat |
117 | I think of you as more than a friend |
118 | You are like a candle burning bright |
119 | You make my world a better place |
120 | I’ve had a crush on you for a long time |
121 | You’re the one I’ve always wished for |
122 | You bring happiness to my rainy days |
123 | I love you from the bottom of my heart. |