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Daftar Heteronyms Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlngkap - Daftar Heteronyms Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlngkap. Heteronyms adalah kata-kata yang ejaan (spelling) sama namun pelafalan (sound) dan artinya (meaning) berbeda. Berikut ini beberapa daftar (list) dari Heteronym.

Daftar Heteronyms Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap

Abuse noun improper treatment
verb to use improperly
Advocate verb to argue for someone else
noun a person who speaks in support of something
Agape adverb open wide
noun asexual, spiritual love
Alternate adjective other
verb to take turns
Appropriate adjective suitable
verb to set apart for
Attribute noun a characteristic
verb to associate ownership
Axes noun pl. of axis
noun pl. of axe
Bass noun low in pitch
noun a fish
Blessed adjective having divine aid
verb past tense of bless
Bow noun a stringed weapon
verb to bend in respect
noun the front of a boat or ship
Buffet noun sideboard meal
verb to strike
Close verb to shut
adjective nearby
Compact verb to compress
adjective small
Conduct noun action
verb to lead
Console verb provide comfort from grief
noun control unit
Content noun information
adjective satisfied
Convict verb to find guilty
noun one convicted
Desert noun an arid region
verb to abandon
Does noun pl. of doe
verb form of do
noun one spelling of the plural of do as a noun - e.g. hair does
Dove noun a bird
verb past tense of dive
Entrance noun doorway
verb to delight
House noun a residential building
verb to place in residence
Intimate verb to suggest
adjective very close
Invalid adjective incorrect
noun a disabled person
Laminate verb to assemble from thin sheets glued together
noun material formed of thin sheets glued together
Lead verb to guide
noun a metal
Learned adjective having much learning
verb past tense of learn
Live verb to be alive
adjective having life
Minute adjective small
noun unit of time
Moped noun a small motorcycle
verb past tense of mope
Multiply verb to increase
adverb in multiple ways
Number noun a numeral
adjective more numb
Object noun a thing
verb to protest
Polish verb to shine
adjective of, from, or native to Poland
Present verb to reveal
noun a gift
Primer noun Book that covers the basic elements of a subject
noun An undercoat of paint
Produce verb to make
noun fruit and vegetables
Project noun an undertaking
verb to cast an image
Putting verb pr. part. of to put
verb pr. part. of to putt
Read verb present tense
verb past tense
Rebel verb to resist
noun one who rebels
Record noun physical information
verb to make a record
Refuse noun garbage
verb to decline
Resign verb to quit
verb to sign again; re-sign
Resume verb to start again
noun curriculum vitae
Row noun; verb a line; to paddle a boat
noun an argument
Sake noun benefit
noun rice wine
Sewer noun drainage pipes
noun one who sews
Shower noun precipitation
noun one who shows
Sin noun a moral error
noun abbreverb for sine
noun Sumerian god of the moon
Sow verb to plant seeds
noun a female pig
Subject noun a topic
verb to cause to undergo
Tear noun liquid produced by crying
verb to separate
Wicked adjective bad, evil
verb past tense of wick (e.g. to wick away some liquid)
Wind noun air movement
verb to tighten a spring
Wound verb past tense of wind
noun an injury


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