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Contoh Soal Latihan News Item Text (Part I) - Contoh Soal Latihan News Item Text (Part I). Kali ini Paja Tapuih akan share tentang Kumpulan Contoh Soal Latihan News Item Text (Part I) lengkap beserta kunci jawabannya. Jika anda masih bingung tentang "News Item Text" silahkan baca postingan saya sebelumnya tentang Penjelasan dan Contoh News Item Text Terlengkap.

Text for questions number 1 to 5!
Thailand has a new king after Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, 64, accepted an invitation from parliament to succeed his father. His succession comes 50 days after the widely loved and revered King Bhumibol died in October, aged 88. Prince Vajiralongkorn will be known as King Maha Vajiralongkorn. He will also be known as Rama X, or the 10th king of Thailand's Chakri dynasty. He addressed his people in a televised statement on Thursday. He said: "I would like to accept the invitation for the benefit of the Thai people." Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said: "May all the Thai people unite to pray that…he may long reign as an idol and guardian of the Thai people."

The coronation of the new king will not take place until after King Bhumibol's cremation early next year. The new king was born on July 28, 1952. He went to schools in Australia and the UK before doing his military training in Australia. King Maha Vajiralongkorn is widely travelled and has a home in Germany. Over the past few years, he has undertaken more of his father's ceremonial duties in Thailand when the late king was ill and needed medical treatment. He also organized and participated in high-profile events such as cycle rides around the Thai capital Bangkok. One of his first acts as monarch will be to endorse Thailand's new constitution that has been backed by the Thai people.

1. How old is Thailand's new King Maha Vajiralongkorn?
A. 61
B. 62
C. 63
D. 64
E. 65

2. What title will King Maha Vajiralongkorn also be known as?
A. Chakri
B. Rama X
C. Your highness
D. Sire
E. Chan-ocha

3. On what medium did King Maha Vajiralongkorn address his people?
A. In a city hall speech
B. The radio
C. The Internet
D. Television
E. In the palace

4. "May all the Thai people unite to pray that…"
The underlined word is closest in meaning with ....
A. Place
B. Reign
C. Cooperate
D. Accept
E. Pray

5. In which country outside Thailand does the king have a home?
A. The USA
B. The UK
C. Bangkok
D. Germany
E. Australia

Text for questions number 6 to 10!
An Internet campaign has come to the rescue of an 80-year-old man in the USA who was reduced to selling firewood on the roadside to pay for his wife's medical bills. Octogenarian Kenneth Smith spent hours a day selling kindling for $5 a bag. He started last year and was then helped by his wife of over 30 years, Helen, who was dying of lung cancer. Tragically, she lost her battle in October and Mr Smith was left with crippling hospital fees, which wiped out his life savings. A local woman, Jessica Pittman, saw Mr Smith and posted a Facebook message urging people to help him. Her post has been shared over 9,000 times and motorists have stopped their car to give Mr Smith some cash.

Ms Pittman's kind deed encouraged Mr Smith's son to go a step further and set up an online appeal. He created a page at the website GoFundMe and donations soon came flooding in from all corners of the Earth. The online campaign raised $20,000 in three days. Ms Pittman told the BBC that she had "no clue" her actions would prompt such generosity. She said: "Although it will not lessen the heartache of losing his wife, I am thankful it will at least take a little worry off of his plate and help him make ends meet." Mr Smith said he has been "overwhelmed" with the response. He added that even though his wife wasn't by his side, he still feels her presence, "because she's looking down on me," he said.

6. For how much did the man sell his bags of kindling?
A. $5
B. $6
C. $7
D. $8
E. $9

7. Who set up a web page for Mr Smith?
A. A local woman
B. His son
C. His daughter
D. A company
E. The BBC

8. How many times did a Facebook post get shared?
A. Just fewer than 9,000 times
B. Exactly 9,000 times
C. Around 9,000 times
D. Just 9,000 times
E. Over 9,000 times

9. How much did the online campaign raise?
A. A million dollars
B. $100,000
C. $20,000
D. $50,000
E. $70,000

10. What does Mr Smith still feel?
A. His wife's presence
B. Numb
C. Lessened
D. Happy
E. down

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