- Penjelasan Simple Past Future Tense Beserta Contoh Terlengkap. Simple Past Future Tense adalah salah suatu bentuk tenses atau bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu keinginan yang tidak terjadi seperti yang seharusnya. Maka dikatakan Past karena kejadiannya di masa lalu dan disebut Future karena sedianya akan dilakukan. Karena sedianya terjadi, maka kenyataannya selalu berlawanan. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita lanjutkan pembahasan ini dengan melihat pola dan contoh pada penjelasan dibawah ini.
Dalam kalimat Simple Past Future Tense terdapat dua susunan kalimat yaitu Verbal sentence dan Nominal sentence.
Bentuk Verbal (+) Subject + Should/Would +Verb-1 + Object (-) Subject + Shouldn't/Wouldn't + Verb-1 + Object (?) Should/Would + Subject + Verb-1 + Object Contoh (+) He would prepare his presentation yesterday. (-) He wouldn’t prepare his presentation yesterday. (?) Would he prepare his presentation yesterday? |
Subject | Auxiliary | Verb-1 | Object | Adverb |
I | ||||
You | ||||
We | would | go | to Surabaya | last week |
They | ||||
Jack and Jane | ||||
He | ||||
She | ||||
It | would | go | to Surabaya | last week |
Jack | ||||
My mother |
Subject | Auxiliary | Verb-1 | Object | Adverb |
I | ||||
You | ||||
We | would not | go | to Surabaya | last week. |
They | ||||
Jack and Jane | ||||
He | ||||
She | ||||
It | would not | go | to Surabaya | last week. |
Jack | ||||
My mother |
Auxiliary | Subject | Verb-1 | Object | Adverb |
I | ||||
You | ||||
Would | we | go | to Surabaya | last week? |
They | ||||
Jack and Jane | ||||
He | ||||
She | ||||
Would | it | go | to Surabaya | last week? |
Jack | ||||
My mother |
Penggunaan tenses Simple Past Future Tense (Verbal Form)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang akan dilakukan dimasa lampau namun tidak terjadi (batal), berikut beberapa contohnya.
No | Example | Translate |
1 | My father would visit me yesterday, unfortunately he was sick. | Ayah akan mengunjungimu saya kemarin, tapi sayangnya dia sakit. |
2 | They would give me some books yesterday. | Mereka akan memberikan saya beberapa buku. |
3 | The concert should start at 07.00 pm. | Konser seharusnya mulai pukul tujuh tadi. |
4 | We would play football this morning, unhappily it rained. | Kami akan bermain sepak bola pagi ini, tapi sayangnya hari hujan. |
5 | You would show me the photos, but we were interrupted. | Kamu akan menunjukkan foto-foto itu, tapi kami terganggu |
No | Example | Translate |
1 | I knew Julie would make dinner. | Saya tahu Jane akan mempersiapkan makan malam. |
2 | You knew she would buy everything for this event. | Kamu tahu dia akan membeli apapun untuk acara ini. |
3 | I knew he would take care of me. | Aku tahu dia akan menjaga saya. |
4 | He knew the teacher would come to his house. | Dia tahu guru itu akan datang kerumahnya. |
5 | We knew you would take some photos. | Kami tahu kamu akan mengambil beberapa foto. |
No | Example | Translate |
1 | They told that they were going to give me some money. | Mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka akan memberi saya uang. |
2 | Neymar told that he was going to Real Madrid next season | Neymar mengatakan bahwa dia akan pidah ke Real Madrid musim depan. |
3 | I thought she was going to make an awesome video. | Saya pikir dia akan membuat video yang bagus. |
4 | Jane said John was going to attend the meeting | Jane mengatakan John akan menghadiri pertemuan itu. |
5 | John Doe wasn't going to bring her to the party. | John Doe tidak akan membawanya ke pesta itu. |
No | Example | Translate |
1 | You should drive carefully. | Kamu sebaiknya mengemudi dengan hati-hati. |
2 | She promised she would follow my Instagram account. | Dia berjanji akan megikuti akun instagram saya. |
3 | My aunt told me that he would come on time. | Bibi saya mengatakan pada saya bahwa dia akan datang tepat waktu. |
4 | I had a feeling that the event was going to be a disaster. | Saya merasa bahwa acara ini akan menjadi berantakan. |
5 | Would you like to help me? | Tolonglah kamu bantu saya? |
No | Example | Translate |
1 | He would visit her if his mother allowed him. | Dia akan mengunjungi wanita itu jika ibunya memberi izin. |
2 | If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired. | Jika kamu tidur cepat, kamu tidak akan merasa lelah. |
3 | If I were you, I would buy a new car. | Jika saya kamu, saya akan membeli mobil baru. |
4 | If I felt better, I would go to the cinema with you. | Jika saya membaik, saya akan pergi ke bioskop denganmu. |
5 | I would send her an invitation if I found her address. | Saya akan mengimkan undangan padanya jika saya tahu alamatnya. |
Simple past future tense mempunyai dua bentuk yang berbeda yaitu "would" and "was going to." Meskipun kuduanya terkadang dapat digunakan secara bergantian, namun kedua bentuk tersebut mengungkapkan dua makna yang berbeda.
Bentuk Nominal (+) Subject + Should/Would + Be + Complement (-) Subject + Shouldn't/Wouldn't + Be + Complement (?) Should/Would + Subject + Be + Complement Contoh (+) I would be late yesterday. (-) I wouldn't be late yesterday. (?) WouldI be late yesterday? |
Subject | Auxiliary | Be | Complement | Adverb |
I | ||||
You | ||||
We | would | be | famous | last month. |
They | ||||
Jack and Jane | ||||
He | ||||
She | ||||
It | would | be | famous | last month. |
Jack | ||||
My mother |
Subject | Auxiliary | Be | Complement | Adverb | |
I | |||||
You | |||||
We | would not | be | famous | last month. | |
They | |||||
Jack and Jane | |||||
He | |||||
She | |||||
It | would not | be | famous | last month. | |
Jack | |||||
My mother |
Auxiliary | Subject | Be | Complement | Adverb | |
I | |||||
You | |||||
would | we | be | famous | last month? | |
They | |||||
Jack and Jane | |||||
He | |||||
She | |||||
would | it | be | famous | last month? | |
Jack | |||||
My mother |
Penggunaan tenses Simple Past Future Tense (Nominal Form)
Perlu dicatat, dalam kalimat nomimal setelah be diikuti complement yang terdiri dari (Adjective, Noun, Adverb).
No | Example | Translate |
1 | I would be happy last night. | Dia seharusnya bahagia tadi malam. |
2 | My father would not be angry. | Ayah saya tidak akan marah. |
3 | They would be there this morning. | Mereka akan telah disana pagi ini. |
4 | He should be a great Blogger. | Dia seharusnya menjadi Blogger ternama. |
5 | Would the house be valuable? | Akankah rumah itu menjadi berharga? |